Are You Worried About Getting Taken Advantage of In Divorce Mediation?
Discover How to Mediate Like a Pro … Even if You’ve Never Mediated or Negotiated Anything Before!
If you’re reading this now, here’s what I know about you:
- You’re either thinking about mediating your divorce, or the court has ORDERED you to mediate your divorce;
- You’ve heard that mediating your divorce can save you time and money, but you’re not sure it’s how it’s going to work for you since you and your spouse can’t agree on what time of day it is right now;
- Logically, you know you need to prepare for mediation, but you have no idea how to do that and your lawyer doesn’t seem to be interested in telling you how to do that. (Plus you're not sure that you're interested in paying your lawyer $350 - $700 per hour to do that!);
- You’re scared that you’re not going to be able to advocate for yourself effectively in mediation, especially because you’re not good with numbers, finances have never been your strong suit, and your spouse is a much better negotiator than you are;
- You’re terrified that the mediator is going to pressure you to settle on terms that you don’t truly understand and will later regret.

If these are the kinds of things you’re thinking – I get it!
Like every other part of the divorce process, mediation can be confusing and unclear. You don't know how it works and you don't know what to expect.
When you try to scour the internet for answers, you find conflicting information.
Some sources claim that mediation is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Others say it’s a complete waste of time. And still others warn you to be careful in mediation because you’re probably going to get screwed.
Sadly, ALL of those statements are true.
Mediation CAN be a great way to save time and money in your divorce.
But if you don’t understand what you’re doing, you can also make BIG MISTAKES in mediation – mistakes that you won’t be able to fix or undo later.
And if mediation doesn’t work, not only will you have wasted a whole lot of time and money on the process, but then you WILL be stuck going to court, and wasting even more time and money there.
So the question is:
How can you mediate your divorce successfully, without getting taken to the cleaners or getting railroaded into making a bad deal, EVEN IF you’re not great with numbers and you’ve never negotiated anything this big before?
I’m Karen Covy. I’ve been a divorce mediator, lawyer, and coach for more years than I care to admit.
(Let’s just say I count my career in decades …)
I’ve seen countless numbers of people make mistakes during mediation that they didn’t have to make.
Either they settled on terms that were not in their best interest because they didn’t understand what they were doing or how mediation worked ...
... they locked horns with their spouse in mediation and they didn’t settle anything at all. Then they ended up fighting in the court system for months (or years) afterward. Their divorce was ugly and expensive.
While making NO DEAL is better than making a BAD DEAL, blowing up your mediation wastes your time, money, and emotional capital. It makes you feel like you’ll never settle your divorce.
(… which is statistically not true. 90 – 95% of all divorce cases settle. But the important questions to ask are WHEN and HOW they settle!)
Do they settle early, BEFORE you’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on lawyers and you’re so angry at your spouse that you’ve made peaceful co-parenting impossible?
Or do they settle ten minutes before you were supposed to go to trial when both you and your spouse are frustrated, broke, exhausted, and will agree to almost anything just to be done? (... which, by the way, is the time when you tend to make REALLY bad deals!)

Obviously, settling early – before you’ve invested a tremendous amount of time, money, and energy into fighting – makes the most sense.
That’s WHY so many people try to mediate their divorce FIRST, before they even file for divorce. Or they mediate in the early stages of their divorce before they’ve made mortal enemies of each other in court.
But settling early loses its appeal if it means settling badly.
What you really want to do is to settle early, on terms that are reasonably fair, so that you can put your divorce behind you sooner rather than later.
To do that, though, you HAVE TO BE PREPARED.
The question is ...
… How Do You Prepare for Mediation?
How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce
The First Online Program That Prepares You to Mediate Your Divorce With Confidence
In today’s world:
- You “should” be able to prepare yourself for your divorce mediation, in advance, on your own time, and at your own pace.
- You “should” be able to discover how to make a mediation plan and a strategy BEFORE you walk into your mediation so that you don’t get blindsided or make a bad deal.
- You “should” be able to learn how mediation works and what choices you will face during the mediation process BEFORE you’re in the middle of your mediation wondering what you’re supposed to do and why you ever thought that mediating your divorce was a good idea..
Unfortunately, while all of those things “should” be true, they're not.
Or, at least they haven't been true up to this point.
Until now, there was no organized, accurate, and effective way for anyone to prepare for mediation unless they were willing to spend thousands of dollars talking with divorce lawyers and/or unlesss they were willing to spend days scouring the internet, hoping they somehow discovered everything they needed to know about divorce mediation.
Thankfully, the "How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce" Program changes all that.
It's the first online mediation preparation program that helps you get ready for your divorce on your own time IN ADVANCE so that you don't make mistakes in your mediation that you'll later regret.

I would recommend this program to others. It was very comprehensive and well thought out.
~ Anon

This program was very helpful. It taught me a lot in a short amount of time, and saved me from trying to read a book or do online research, which would likely have been less helpful and taken more time. Karen's program was easy to follow, well put together, and clearly explained. I would highly recommend it to anyone beginning the process of determining if mediation is right for your situation.

Yes (I would recommend this program to others)! Although I hope that my friends don't find themselves in this situation.
Here’s What You’ll Discover in the How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce Program

Module 1 – Mediation Basics
People have a lot of misconceptions about what mediation is, what it does, and how it works. In this module you will discover:
- What the different types of mediation are, and how to choose the version of mediation that will work best for you (IF you have a choice!);
- What a mediator does and doesn’t do, and what to look for when you’re choosing a mediator; and
- What to expect in a mediation session – i.e. how mediation actually works.
Module 2 – Preparing for Mediation
When most people think of preparing for mediation, they think of financial preparation. But if you want to truly be prepared to effectively mediate your divorce, you need to do more than just “know your numbers.”
In this module you will discover a simple, 5 Step Framework that will show you how you can prepare for ANY type of mediation, and any issue in mediation quickly, efficiently, and – most importantly – effectively.

Module 3 – Preparing to Mediate Issues Involving Your Kids
Being prepared to make agreements that will govern every area of your kids’ lives from the time you divorce until the time they turn 18 (or beyond!) is one of the most important things you'll do in mediation. In this module you’ll discover:
- How to make a parenting schedule that actually works;
- How to navigate custody/decision-making issues when it comes to your kids; and
- The other parenting issues that you may want to have in your parenting plan that go beyond custody and parenting time.
Module 4 – Mediating Money Issues
This module demystifies personal finance so you can negotiate the money issues in your divorce with confidence. In this module you will learn:
- How to put together your financial information so that you can easily SEE what you have and what it will look like once it has been divided;
- How to negotiate issues of support (child support and spousal support);
- The basics you need to know to mediate an equitable division of marital assets.

Module 5 – Developing Your Mediation Strategy
In this module you’ll start putting everything together so that you walk into your mediation with a PLAN that will guide you to achieve your mediation goals. You will also discover 12 Tips that will help you create your own mediation strategy specifically tailored to your exact needs.
There's also an entire module full of frequently asked questions like:
- Do I still need an attorney if I mediate my divorce?
- What happens if we don't agree?
- Can I mediate with a narcissist?
... and more!

This program was helpful. I got even more out of it the second time just listening and not worrying about taking so many notes.
~ Anon

The program met my expectations. Provided me with a good starting point for understanding what mediation is and isn’t. The different types, expectations and goals of mediation. Along with giving basic information on how to prepare for mediation.
This program was very helpful.

This program was what I was looking for to help me better understand the ins and out of mediation and what to expect. Thank you Karen for the perfect timing of this program. I had my first mediation this week....your program helped me to be more prepared and stand my ground.

Here’s What You’ll Get in the How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce Program
- Access to my exclusive Mediation Preparation Framework - a step by step guide that will help you to prepare for mediation quickly and efficiently so you don't waste your time doing things that don't matter;
- Detailed information about what you can expect in your divorce mediation so that you don't get blindsided;
- Over 2 hours of videos explaining how mediation works, the steps you need to take to prepare for it, and how to develop your own personal mediation plan;
- Financial worksheets, sample co-parenting schedules, and lists of questions to ask a mediator - all of which you can download and use in your own mediation;
- One year of continuous access to this program so that if you forget something, you can log back in and get the answers you're looking for right away;
- Answers to the most frequently asked questions about divorce mediation;
- The confidence you need to mediate your divorce to a successful settlement.
and more.
Here's What You'll Invest
If you paid an attorney to prepare you for your mediation for 2 1/2 hours it would cost you AT LEAST $750.00 - $1250.00. Maybe more.
If you wanted an attorney to provide you with financial worksheets, sample co-parenting schedules, or any other kind of useful tool that you could use in your mediation, s/he would look at you like you just dropped onto this planet from Pluto. Attorneys don't give you that kind of stuff.
And if you met with your attorney and forgot anything s/he said, and you asked him/her to answer your questions again (... because it's not in videos you have access to 24/7) you would pay him/her to answer your questions ... AGAIN!
This program is different.
In this program you pay only ONE TIME to get access for ONE YEAR to all the basic information you need to get through your mediation with confidence. PLUS you'll get downloadable tools you can useto prepare for (and bring into) your own mediation. FINALLY, not only will you get information about how mediation works but you'll also get tips on how to create your own MEDIATION PLAN so that you give yourself the best possible chance of getting the settlement you really want.
What's more, because I believe so strongly that mediation is a more effective way of divorcing, and because I KNOW from decades of mediation experience that your chances of being successful in mediation will increase dramatically if you're prepared, your investment for the How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce Program is ONLY:
One Payment
of $347
- OR -
Two Monthly Payments of $197
When you enroll now, you will also get your FREE MEDIATION CHEAT SHEET that will provide you with a quick and easy way to KNOW AT A GLANCE how to get ready for YOUR mediation so you make sure you're NOT BLINDSIDED or caught by surprise.

This program made me much more aware of the preparation needed before starting meditation. Got me to prioritize my goals, identify risks and mitigations and start forming a strategy.
~ Anon

I would definitely recommend this program to others. I think this is eye opening for most people approaching meditation for the first time.
Speaking of Questions ...
If you have questions about this program, I'm not surprised. Since this is the ONLY mediation preparation programof it's kind, it makes sense that you'd have questions.
Here are answers to some of the questions that the people who originally joined the beta versions of How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce Program had:
Q: I know that divorce law varies from state to state. Will this work in MY state?
While divorce law varies from state to state, divorce mediation works pretty much the same way in all states. This program helps you prepare for mediation AND identify the questions that you might need to ask a divorce lawyer in your state or your divorce mediator before you start your mediation.
Q: I know I'm going to mediate my divorce, but we probably won't start mediation for a few months. Does it make sense to enroll in this program now?
If you know you're going to mediate within the next few months and you want to take advantage of the current discount AND you have questions that you'd like to get answered in the LIVE Q & A, then YES! Enrolling now makes sense! (And remember that you have access to this program for a year! So if you're going to mediate within the next 12 months, then getting the program now makes a lot of sense.)
On the other hand, if you're not sure you're going mediate your divorce, or you have no idea when you will mediate your divorce, then enrolling isn't as important. (As long as you bookmark this page and remember to come back later!)
Q: I don’t want my spouse to know that I signed up for anything related to divorce. If I buy this program, what will show up on my credit card?!
Great question! I totally get it.
That's why all you will see on your credit card is “Karen’s Programs.” The words "divorce," "divorce lawyer," "divorce coach," or even my full name "Karen Covy," will NOT show up on your credit card.
If you're worried about what will show up on your credit card, you also have the option of using a prepaid debit card or Paypal. Or you can have a friend pay for this for you on THEIR credit card, and then you pay your friend back!
Q: Won't my attorney prepare me for mediation?
Hopefully, yes.
But let's be real here. Not all lawyers are created equal. Not all of them will spend the time to help you prepare for a mediation that - to them - is just another day at the office.
What's more, if they DO help you prepare, OF COURSE they're going to charge you for it! At a burn rate of upwards of $500 per hour, how much do you want to pay your lawyer to help you get ready?
(Oh, and btw, if you're nervous and you don't remember everything your lawyer tells you, and you have to call them up and ask them the same questions AGAIN, you're going to have to pay them AGAIN to get the same information. With this program, you can watch the videos as many times as you want, on any device you have, 24/7/365.)
Q: Can’t I just get all the information I need for free on the internet?
Maybe. But you don't know what you don't know.
If you miss ONE critical piece of information because you never thought to Google the right question you can be in a world of hurt for a very long time after your divorce is done. So the question you really want to ask yourself is: How much is it worth to me to settle my divorce NOW on terms I'm okay with so I can stop paying a fortune to my divorce lawyers and can finally get on with my life?
Q: How long do I have access to the How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce Program once I get it?
After enrolling, you will have unlimited access to this program for one full year.
Q: Is this program good outside of the United States?
Probably not. This program is specifically designed for U.S. residents only. If you don't live in the U.S. it "should" still be helpful, but I can't guarantee that.
How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce
What You Get
You Receive
Information about to plan and prepare for mediation.
Worksheets and handouts you can use in your mediation.
Access to the mediation information you need 24/7/365.
The confidence and peace of mind that comes with knowing you're prepared.

We, as in myself and my ex to be, watched the first module yesterday and downloaded the handouts. This was extremely helpful as we had already walked into a mediator's office for a meet and greet, not really knowing what we were walking into. ... We weren't prepared and I didn't feel like she let us know what she needed from us to begin to proceed, i.e. next steps.
The module really made sense, and at one point I stopped it and told my ex to be, that I wished that is what the mediator had covered when we walked into her office.~ Anon
One Payment
of $347
- OR -
Two Monthly Payments of $197
Wondering whether this program will be right for YOU?
How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce is PERFECT for you IF:
- You want to settle your divorce amicably in mediation so that you can put it behind you and get on with your life;
- You want to be as prepared as you can be BEFORE you walk into your mediation so that you don’t get railroaded or make a bad deal IN mediation;
- You’re the kind of person who wants to take charge of your life (and your divorce) and you’re willing to do what it takes to make that happen;
- You want to reduce the anxiety you feel about not knowing what you’re doing when you’re mediating the most important issues in your life (your money and your kids);
- You want to be able to advocate for yourself effectively even if your spouse is more articulate, persuasive, or intimidating than you;
- You only plan to use a divorce lawyer as a consultant … or maybe not at all (BTW, I DON’T recommend going through your divorce without a lawyer. But if that’s what you want to do then you need this program even more!);
- You have a divorce lawyer but you’d rather not pay them $500+ per hour to fill you in on the basics of how mediation works.
How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce is NOT PERFECT for you IF:
- Your spouse is physically abusive and you’re concerned for your own safety.
- Your spouse is verbally or emotionally abusive and you don’t think you’ll be able to stand up for yourself in mediation – EVEN IF your lawyer is with you;
- You’ve already started your mediation;
- Your spouse won’t agree to go to mediation, and court-ordered mediation isn’t a thing where you live;
- Your spouse is hiding money and/or won’t produce financial information;
- You’re looking for specific, detailed advice about YOUR personal situation and NOT general information about the way mediation works and how you can get ready for it;
- You have a high conflict marriage and you expect you'll have a high conflict divorce and you don't think your spouse will ever be willing to compromise on anything.
If you were nodding your head "yes" when reading any of the bullet points about why this program would be perfect for you (and you DIDN'T say "yes" to any of the reasons why it wouldn't be perfect for you) then the only logical conclusion is:
This program will be perfect for you!
What's more, the cost of NOT investing in this program - or something like it - could be subtantial.
At best, your mediation could fail and then you'll end up paying lawyers to fight in court for months or years more. That would suck, but it's still probably better than the other possibility, which is that you cheat yourself (and your kids) out of money that you would have had if you had only mediated more effectively.
The How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce Program is the most comprehensive and cost-effective way to get basic mediation knowledge on your own time and in the comfort of your own home. It will help you prepare for mediaiton at a deeper level than anything other than spending hours of personal time with your attorney - for a fraction of the cost.
So, if want to ...
Divorce as amicably and efficiently as possible,
AND you don't want to ...
Bleed money in a divorce that drags on endlessly
Then mediating your divorce, and preparing for that mediation with the How to Successfully Mediate Your Divorce Program will probably be the best investment you've ever made.
One Payment
of $347
- OR -