A “boundary” is a line that divides one thing from another. In the physical world, the concept is simple enough. I’m standing in Texas. You’re standing in Mexico. The border between us is a boundary. ...
You know you “should” feel it. Everyone from scientists, to psychologists, to the most popular self-help gurus, touts the benefits of practicing gratitude. Yet, when you’re in the middle of a divorce (or trying to ...
“Going through a divorce is so much fun! It’s so uplifting and inspirational,” … said NO ONE EVER! Divorce is one of the most gut-wrenching, soul-sucking, and dream-shattering life events most people will ever have ...
Everyone knows that divorce is stressful. Tips for managing divorce stress typically include things like taking up yoga, meditation, exercise, or going to therapy. While all of those techniques can be helpful, if you really ...
Divorce and yoga. At first blush they seem so different.Yoga is so Zen. Divorce is as “un-Zen” as you could possibly get.Yet, as I was trying to balance in Eagle pose, standing on one leg ...
You can’t eat, you can’t sleep, and on some level, you hate yourself. You can’t stop thinking about how you destroyed your family, ruined your kids’ lives, and caused your entire world to come crashing ...