For most people, getting a name change after divorce is just one more paperwork nightmare that they’d rather not have to deal with. Even if someone is excited to get their maiden name back, they’re ...

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The pain that comes with illness or injury can be intense. But the pain of a broken heart hurts at a whole different level. A Long Time Ago ... I was walking along a moderately ...

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Ask anyone who’s going through a divorce if they’ll never get married again and you’re probably going to hear a resounding, “No way!” Yet statistically speaking, 75% of divorced women and 80% of divorced men ...

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The papers have been signed.  The judgment has been entered.  Your divorce is final. The thought of asking your divorce lawyer for a post-divorce checklist never even entered your mind. As far as you’re concerned, ...

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Like most people, you really believed your marriage was going to be forever. You thought you would beat the odds. But you didn’t. It’s over. You know it in your head. But your heart just ...

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Thirty years ago, it would have been unthinkable. No one had a divorce party. People wouldn’t dream of celebrating their divorce – even if getting a divorce was the best thing that ever happened to ...

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